Jumat, 28 November 2014

[X403.Ebook] Download PDF Great Game East: India, China, and the Struggle for Asia’s Most Volatile Frontier, by Bertil Lintner

Download PDF Great Game East: India, China, and the Struggle for Asia’s Most Volatile Frontier, by Bertil Lintner

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Great Game East: India, China, and the Struggle for Asia’s Most Volatile Frontier, by Bertil Lintner

Great Game East: India, China, and the Struggle for Asia’s Most Volatile Frontier, by Bertil Lintner

Great Game East: India, China, and the Struggle for Asia’s Most Volatile Frontier, by Bertil Lintner

Download PDF Great Game East: India, China, and the Struggle for Asia’s Most Volatile Frontier, by Bertil Lintner

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Great Game East: India, China, and the Struggle for Asia’s Most Volatile Frontier, by Bertil Lintner

Since the 1950s, China and India have been locked in a monumental battle for geopolitical supremacy. Chinese interest in the ethnic insurgencies in northeastern India, the still unresolved issue of the McMahon Line, the border established by the British imperial government, and competition for strategic access to the Indian Ocean have given rise to tense gamesmanship, political intrigue, and rivalry between the two Asian giants. Former Far Eastern Economic Review correspondent Bertil Lintner has drawn from his extensive personal interviews with insurgency leaders and civilians in remote tribal areas in northeastern India, newly declassified intelligence reports, and his many years of firsthand experience in Asia to chronicle this ongoing struggle. His history of the “Great Game East” is the first significant account of a regional conflict which has led to open warfare on several occasions, most notably the Sino-India border war of 1962, and will have a major impact on global affairs in the decades ahead.

  • Sales Rank: #1685415 in Books
  • Published on: 2015-04-28
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 9.25" h x 1.00" w x 6.13" l, .0 pounds
  • Binding: Hardcover
  • 376 pages

“Lintner shines a bright light on one of the most obscure corners of Asia.”—Foreign Affairs (Foreign Affairs)

"This book is as authoritative as it is intriguing."--Literary Review

(Literary Review)

“This is a timely and important work that sheds light on the important geopolitical developments occurring in South Asia . . . If indeed we are in the Asian century, Lintner’s Great Game East will be an important guide to our understanding of how this came about and what to expect in the immediate future.”—Asian Review of Books (Asian Review of Books)

About the Author
Bertil Lintner has written for numerous publications including Foreign Policy, Foreign Affairs, the Asia Times Online, the Wall Street Journal, the International Herald Tribune, and Politico. He lives in Chiang Mai, Thailand.

Most helpful customer reviews

3 of 3 people found the following review helpful.
Understanding the complex situation in an area we know little about
By Niek Hoste
Bertil Lintner is very skilled in taking you by the hand through a complex and mostly unknown area of the world. His analysis and insight gives you a fresh look on recent history. Sometimes the vast number of abbreviations is confusing, but the result is a great learning experience.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
New shadow war in East Asia
By Karun Mukherji
The work by Swedish journalist deals with problems in India’s turbulent north east and China’s involvement in it. China is India’s powerful neighbor and bitter rival. Beijing is always seen working against India’s core strategic interests and has always sought ways to diminish New Delhi’s influence in her neighborhood. This tussle for power and influence in the region has been labeled by the author as new Great Game East. It is strikingly reminiscent of strategic rivalry between British Empire and Czarist Russia for the control of Central Asia.

China has viewed the presence of Tibetan leader Dalai Lama and his government- in- exile in India as an hostile act and existential threat. Beijing has retaliated by supporting insurgent groups - Manipuri and Naga – operating in the India’s north east. At this point, however, author makes an interesting observation Chinese did not create this problem. Many peoples of the north east (Nagas , Manipuris, Mizos even Assamese ) have yet not reconciled to accession of their provinces to the Indian Union. Manipuris in particular believe that their rajah was tricked into joining Indian Union. So Chinese have exploited the resentment these peoples have for India to the hilt. Indians could respond by applying pressure on China’s underbelly. Regions like Tibet , Xinjiang have not properly integrated with China. Whether New Delhi has the will to do this is another matter.

Over the years New Delhi has resorted to complex mixture of measures to control, if not end, the insurgencies raging in the north east. In this respect role played by RAW is particularly laudable. Author has words of praise for RAW( the Indian intelligence). RAW is the acronym for Research Analysis Wing. Plenty of documentation is available on Mossad, KGB, CIA . However RAW , according to author, has cloaked its activities in a veil of secrecy. Further, author is of the opinion, Indians were no novice to the field of espionage and had practised it from time when people of Europe lived in caves. 4 core principles Shama ( political reconciliation) Dhana ( monetary inducement) Dand ( force) Bhed ( split ) applied by RAW in its covert war were straight taken out of the book Arthashastra by Kautiliya , a great practioner of statecraft who lived more than 2000 years ago.

Recently rivalry between two nations has spread to neighboring Burma and Indian Ocean. Here a few things have to be borne in mind. Chinese have a high profile presence in Burma where her interests are primarily strategic. Beijing wants an outlet to the sea for her landlocked province of Yunnan. China has invested considerable sums of money in improving Burma’s poor road infrastructure and in exploration, development and production of that country’s oil and natural gas reserves. But of late military regime’s attitude toward her big neighbor has changed. Relations with India and the western powers have improved as Rangoon seeks to reduce her dependence on China. Beijing is certainly not happy by those developments.

Few things which made profound impression in me were the developments in the Andaman sea . First of course is the installation of radars and electronic listening posts in Cocos islands for intercepting Indian naval communications and for collecting telemetry data on Indian missile tests conducted along the Orissa coast. In 1994 Indian coast guard intercepted and apprehended some fishing vessels close to Indian naval base in the Andaman Sea. The vessels were carrying Burmese flag but her crew was all Chinese. The vessels did not carry fishing equipment but had radio communication sets, depth sounding gear. Nature of their job could easily be surmised. These men were on a covert mission to measure depth of sea floor near India’s military installations in the Andaman Islands.

Suddenly the idyllic Andaman Sea has become important to the maritime defense of India, a fact brought home by another development, smuggling of weapons for insurgent groups operating in the India’s north east. Alarmed by these developments New Delhi has established a new integrated command of the armed forces in the region called FENC (Far Eastern Naval Command). Author concludes his work by claiming moving away from Himalayas the Indian Ocean Region (IOR) would soon become bone of contention between the two nations.

However despite all the saber rattling I don’t see any prospect of an armed conflict with China. Both nations in the years to come would continue poking at each other detrimental to peace and stability of the region

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Great Game East: India, China, and the Struggle for Asia’s Most Volatile Frontier, by Bertil Lintner PDF

Great Game East: India, China, and the Struggle for Asia’s Most Volatile Frontier, by Bertil Lintner PDF
Great Game East: India, China, and the Struggle for Asia’s Most Volatile Frontier, by Bertil Lintner PDF

Minggu, 23 November 2014

[G982.Ebook] Fee Download First Things: Reading the Maternal Imaginary, by Mary Jacobus

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First Things: Reading the Maternal Imaginary, by Mary Jacobus

First Things: Reading the Maternal Imaginary, by Mary Jacobus

First Things: Reading the Maternal Imaginary, by Mary Jacobus

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First Things: Reading the Maternal Imaginary, by Mary Jacobus

In First Things Mary Jacobus combines close readings with theoretical concerns in an examination of the many forms taken by the mythic or phantasmic mother in literary, psychoanalytic and artistic representations.

She carefully explores the ways in which the maternal imaginary informs both unconscious processes and signifying practices at all levels. Her fierce analysis of specific texts and paintings raises questions about the the symbolic and biological maternal body and how they relate to each other in literary and psychoanalytic terms. The invocation of writings by Kleist, Wollstonecraft, Mary Shelley, Malthus and de Sade, along with analysis of French revolutionary iconography and Realist and Impressionist paintings by Eakins and Morisot, make this wide-ranging text a truly interdisciplinary study.

First Things sees literary theory and psychoanalysis as mutually illuminating practices. The work of Freud, Klein, Kristeva and Bion shape an inquiry into such topics as population discourse, surrogate motherhood, AIDS, mastectomy and psychoanalysis itself. In addition, Jacobus elaborates on Freud's oedipal preconceptions, Klein's missing theory of signs, memory, melancholia, narcissism and maternal reverie.

  • Sales Rank: #4760867 in Books
  • Published on: 1995-12-22
  • Released on: 1996-03-07
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 9.21" h x .73" w x 6.14" l, 1.00 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 256 pages

About the Author
Mary Jacobus is John Wendell Anderson Professor of English at Cornell University.

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First Things: Reading the Maternal Imaginary, by Mary Jacobus PDF

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First Things: Reading the Maternal Imaginary, by Mary Jacobus PDF

[D752.Ebook] Fee Download Practical Black Magic: How to Hex and Curse Your Enemies, by Sophia diGregorio

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Practical Black Magic: How to Hex and Curse Your Enemies, by Sophia diGregorio

Practical Black Magic: How to Hex and Curse Your Enemies, by Sophia diGregorio

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Practical Black Magic: How to Hex and Curse Your Enemies, by Sophia diGregorio

Do you feel that fortune is not your favor? Do you have a need for powerful protection from your enemies? Do you long for more control over your own destiny? Those who have had the good luck of being born to privilege expect and usually receive leniency, justice and opportunity. They are surrounded by the protection of their wealthy families and powerful friends. For everyone else, black magic is the means to obtain power and protection and to open the door to opportunities. It's the way to get control over every aspect of your life in an out-of-control, imbalanced world, to obtain justice when it is lacking and to turn life-long bad luck into good fortune. "Practical Black Magic: How to Hex and Curse Your Enemies" explains how witchcraft powers are obtained and cultivated and gives instructions for attacking enemies and advancing your personal interests while protecting yourself from harm. The final chapter gives specific spells and rituals for cursing and hexing your enemies.

  • Sales Rank: #301625 in Books
  • Published on: 2013-07-13
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 8.00" h x .33" w x 5.00" l, .34 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 132 pages

Most helpful customer reviews

9 of 12 people found the following review helpful.
Most of y'all ain't ready for this
By Amazon Customer
Lets be clear this book is for the MATURE PRACTITIONER! It take someone who is responsible,focused and mature to truly understand the need for darker magick/revenge. We who truly practice the darker art are not spell happy cursing everyone who walk by. This book was written for mature eyes babes will not understand and take offense to anything that slant darker.
This book deal with a great deal of areas like legal matters, nightmares, dealing with elementals, building an altar, familiar spirits and so much more. The author gives a great introduction to the history of Black magick while the book is very straight to the point without being vague. Winter Tempest Books are awesome. I love Llewellyn Publication too, but lets be real their not going to publish a book on real black magick.

3 of 3 people found the following review helpful.
Very Educational, if you have an open mind
By J. Kensington
Very education on culture and magic in our society, the many religions that practice this magic around the world. Keep an open mind. Not for the narrow minded.

4 of 5 people found the following review helpful.
So it would do people good to read this book who are not into magick ...
By Hunter
The most unbiased I have read on the black arts. FYI- Real witches do not believe in Christian concept of one God nor the Devil. So it would do people good to read this book who are not into magick to enlighten their perspective on how life was for people back in the 1400's who didn't have a bodyguard or law enforcement, or an attorney, nor a two parent household to help gather food before the harsh winters. They had no means but magick to protect them & their family when things got life threatening. Very impressed with this book!!!!

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Practical Black Magic: How to Hex and Curse Your Enemies, by Sophia diGregorio PDF

Practical Black Magic: How to Hex and Curse Your Enemies, by Sophia diGregorio PDF
Practical Black Magic: How to Hex and Curse Your Enemies, by Sophia diGregorio PDF

Jumat, 21 November 2014

[T721.Ebook] Ebook Food Ambulance for Dine Out Burn Out, by Wlliam Vogt

Ebook Food Ambulance for Dine Out Burn Out, by Wlliam Vogt

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Food Ambulance for Dine Out Burn Out, by Wlliam Vogt

Food Ambulance for Dine Out Burn Out, by Wlliam Vogt

Food Ambulance for Dine Out Burn Out, by Wlliam Vogt

Ebook Food Ambulance for Dine Out Burn Out, by Wlliam Vogt

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Food Ambulance for Dine Out Burn Out, by Wlliam Vogt

This is a humorous satirical book regarding the history of cooking and the problems facing young cooking challenged millennial's in their quest to find meals they can prepare for tailgating, parties and group gatherings. This book is more than just a cookbook it has anecdotal stories preceding the recipes that makes for an interesting read for all. Even the most novice or experienced chef will enjoy this book.

  • Sales Rank: #1562958 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2015-08-24
  • Released on: 2015-08-24
  • Format: Kindle eBook

Most helpful customer reviews

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Get This Book!!
By fred
More than a cookbook!!! The author doesn't just give you many pages of recipes to follow, but also gives amusing anecdotes about his experiences with food and people, making his recipes more lively and entertaining than a simple list of ingredients could ever do. But most important, he gives a "philosophy" of cooking. Fortunately, his philosophy isn't some grand scheme of things, but a common sense approach to creating simple, easy to prepare, and tasty food from readily accessible off the shelf ingredients. As he says, "Step three of the philosophy is to make cooking simple." I applaud this approach as I am the classic "can't boil water" cook. My idea of haute cuisine preparation is removing the plastic from the tray of a microwaved frozen dinner. So, with my heart in my mouth, and sweat on my brow, I tried the first recipe in the book, a "Caribbean Pork Roast." And lo and behold, everything the author suggested came true: the ingredients were minimal and easy to find, the preparation and cooking utterly simple, and the result was astonishingly delicious. My wife, who was skeptical about my cooking ability (with good reason) proclaimed it the best pork roast ever cooked. An exaggeration maybe, but it was flat out delicious. I'm now encouraged to spread my wings and try some other recipes. This is a fascinating cook book, and one that everyone from a cordon bleu chef to the most cooking challenged person should own. Buy it.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
I'm a serious cook so please believe me when I say they're terrific. Bill's a typical guy
By C. A. Pedriana
Full disclosure: Bill's our neighbor and I tried nearly all the recipes in his book. I'm a serious cook so please believe me when I say they're terrific. Bill's a typical guy: practical, efficient, and no-nonsense and his dishes reflect that. They're easy to prepare and except for some cooking times, they're not time consuming. Great for entertaining dinner parties as well as every-day cooking.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
By Kindle Customer

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Kamis, 20 November 2014

[K597.Ebook] Ebook Free Game Programming GEMS 3 (Game Programming Gems Series) (v. 3), by Dante Treglia

Ebook Free Game Programming GEMS 3 (Game Programming Gems Series) (v. 3), by Dante Treglia

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Game Programming GEMS 3 (Game Programming Gems Series) (v. 3), by Dante Treglia

Game Programming GEMS 3 (Game Programming Gems Series) (v. 3), by Dante Treglia

Game Programming GEMS 3 (Game Programming Gems Series) (v. 3), by Dante Treglia

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Game Programming GEMS 3 (Game Programming Gems Series) (v. 3), by Dante Treglia

The journey continues with this ALL NEW volume in the Game Programming Gems series! As with the first two volumes, a dynamic group of some of the best game programmers in the industry have generously joined together to share their insights and techniques. Their ready-to-use ideas, tips, and solutions, will help save hours of programming time, prevent redundancy, and leave you with more time to add cutting-edge features to your own games. Covering all the key areas of game development, this invaluable resource delves deep into the problems often encountered by programmers, and provides practical, valid solutions. Each section is edited by an expert in the field to ensure that the ideas are original, accurate, and useful for a variety of game development projects. In addition to covering Mathematics, Graphics, General Programming, Audio, and Artificial Intelligence, Game Programming Gems 3 also includes an all new section on Network and Multiplayer games. This is a must-have reference, and series, for every game developer. If you are just getting started, this book offers a true cross-section of the challenges youill face, and provides a variety of additional references to help you find all the resources you need to advance your skills and knowledge. If youire an expert already, youill find new ideas and techniques to help save plenty of valuable programming time.

  • Sales Rank: #853148 in Books
  • Brand: Brand: Cengage Learning
  • Published on: 2002-07-25
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 9.75" h x 7.75" w x 1.50" l, .0 pounds
  • Binding: Hardcover
  • 663 pages
  • Used Book in Good Condition

AI Rectangle Navigation A Highly Efficient Alternative to A* Function Pointer-Based Embedded Finite State Machines Terrain Analysis in an RTS; Character Virtualization A Fast Approach to Navigation Meshes A General Trigger System for AI Entities, Objects, and Quests Optimized Machine Learning Techniques Tactical Pathfinding Using A* Audio Obstruction Using Axes-Aligned Bounding Boxes Compression and Effects Using Linear Predictive Coding Using DSP to Create Dynamic Engine Sounds Creating a Compelling 3D Audio Environment Compressing Audio with Vector Quantization Using the Biquad Resonant Filter General Developing Games for an International Market A Platform Independent Function Binding Interface Autolists: Allowing Trivial Listing of Object Instances Handle-Based Smart Pointers Programming a Game Design-Compliant Engine using UML Graphics A Compiler for Programmable Vertex Shading Hardware Using Textures to Approximate a Mathematic Function Computing Optimized Shadow Volumes for Complex Data Sets Billboard Beams; Subdivision Surfaces for Character Animation Mathematics A Fast Approximation to the Slerp() Function Clipping a Convex Polyhedron Against a Plane A Naming Convention for Transformation Matrices Base-2 Logarithm Utility Functions (C++) Constrained Inverse Kinematics Quaternion Compression Coping with Friction in Dynamical Simulations Network and Multiplayer Games A UDP Monitoring and Simulation Tool (Algorithms for) Player Skill Estimates and Rating Wireless Gaming with J2ME Multiplayer Game Development Using Microsoft DirectPlay 8.1 Real-Time-Strategy Network Protocol Template-Based Object Serialization Reducing Latency in Real-time Strategy Games Large-Scale Multiplayer Servers Secure Sockets A Flexible Simulation Architecture for Mass Multi-Player Games

About the Author
Dante Treglia is the lead software engineer at Nintendo of America's Software Development Support Group where he supports the Nintendo GameCube development community.

Most helpful customer reviews

25 of 28 people found the following review helpful.
Valuable resource for those in the trenches
By James Boer
For anyone who actually works as a game programming professional, I'd highly recommend this book. Those of you looking for general-purpose interesting programming tidbits, try one of Scott Meyer's books instead, which I'd recommend to ANY C++ programmer, not game programmers.
One thing to note: I've heard claims (regarding this and previous books in the series) that these books are simply pre-existing articles pulled from the web and other sources and packed into a collection to be resold. This is nonsense - every article in the book was submitted by programmers, and was exclusively commissioned and paid for by the publisher for use in this series. You won't find these articles floating around on the net. Moreover, because these articles are commissioned, peer-reviewed, and professional edited, the overall quality is much higher than random articles found on the net.
Overall, this book, and the entire series for that matter, gets my highest recommendation. You're naturally not going to find every article or topic useful or relevant, but if you're actually in the trenches, the likelyhood of finding at least one article that really helps you out is likely high. In my experience, simply finding one really valuable article is worth the price of the book alone.

20 of 21 people found the following review helpful.
Normally, I don't write reviews..
By Another reader
While normally, I don't write reviews, I HAVE to disagree with a previous review on this.. Someone wrote the matrix calculations were wrong on "Real time UI input in 3D games", and its simply not true. I'm using this gem currently and found it to work wonderfully! I found the book to be good overall, with a few minor publishing errors, but still good and worth the investment.
Like Gems 1 and 2, its a must have for any game programmer shelf... I'm finding more and more modern approaches to problems, vertex shading, etc in the newer gems series.. Gems 1 holds a special place in my heart because of how breakthrough it was, but this, which not as staggering in its signficance, is just as important to the modern game programmer.

2 of 2 people found the following review helpful.
Great Book
By Andrea Heyart
I got his book for my husband, who is a programmer, and this one is his favorite of the series. He refers to it on a regular basis, and he says it has saved him valuable time. The graphics sections are especially usefull. A handy reference book for any programmer.

See all 13 customer reviews...

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Game Programming GEMS 3 (Game Programming Gems Series) (v. 3), by Dante Treglia PDF

Game Programming GEMS 3 (Game Programming Gems Series) (v. 3), by Dante Treglia PDF
Game Programming GEMS 3 (Game Programming Gems Series) (v. 3), by Dante Treglia PDF

Rabu, 19 November 2014

[V825.Ebook] Download EU Energy Law, by Angus Johnston, Guy Block

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EU Energy Law, by Angus Johnston, Guy Block

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EU Energy Law, by Angus Johnston, Guy Block

This work is the only current, single volume coverage of the the latest EU energy legislation and its application on the context of the rules of the EU Treaties.

Providing a comprehensive account of EU energy law following the adoption of the third energy package in 2009 this book focuses on internal market issues and the applicable rules and developments in energy law. It covers key issues such as environmental and contractual matters, and the roles and responsibilities of regulatory authorities, including the new Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER).

As well as the Third Package Directives in the Electricity and Gas Internal market, the work covers a wealth of other recent legislative material, including the accompanying Regulations on cross-border trade in gas and electricity, the ACER Regulation, the Regulation on Energy Market Integrity and Transparency, the Second Renewables Directive, the Gas Security of Supply Regulation, the Carbon Capture and Storage Directive, as well as proposals for the new Energy Efficiency Directive.

Relevant case law from the free movement and competition fields is integrated into the substantive analysis of particular topics including detailed analysis of PreussenElektra, cases on security of supply, and various competition law decisions and cases concerning, for example, essential facilities and long-term contracts (involving capacity reservation and destination clauses etc).

In addition to discussing energy contracts generally, the work also analyses regulatory problems relating to energy contracts which are not covered by other books in the field. Pre-existing long-term contracts raise problems relating to investment law (under the Energy Charter Treaty, bilateral investment treaties, etc) and fundamental rights law (property rights protection). New long-term contracts raise both regulatory and competition law questions which are also discussed.

Coverage also includes the evolution of the EU's energy legislation; the liberalization of energy markets after the third package; security of supply; energy sources; and energy efficiency.

It derives from a section in the looseleaf Law of the EU (Vaughan & Robertson, eds), and is made available here in a revised and expanded form for the benefit of those who do not subscribe to the looseleaf.

  • Sales Rank: #2719009 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2012-11-22
  • Released on: 2012-11-22
  • Format: Kindle eBook

The book is an important contribution to the field making accessible in a single work a very demanding and complex area of legal practice. The authors bring to this book extensive academic and practical experience and successfully introduce the reader to the legal, political and economic underpinnings of European energy law and policy. The book will no doubt prove invaluable to all those involved in the energy market. Despoina Mantzari, World Competition

About the Author

Angus Johnston is a CUF Lecturer and a Fellow in Law at University College, Oxford. Between 1997-8, he was a Lecturer at the Institute for Anglo-American Law at the University of Leiden. He was a Fellow and Director of Studies in Law at Trinity Hall, Cambridge from 1999 and University Lecturer from 2004 and then Senior Lecturer at Cambridge University from 2008 until his appointment in Oxford in 2010. He has been a visitor to Harvard Law School and the Max Planck Institute for Comparative and International Private Law in Hamburg. He is also an affiliated lecturer at Cambridge University and at the Jacobs University, Bremen.

Dr Guy Block is Head of the Energy and Transport Law Department at Janson Baugniet in Brussels. He has more than 25 years of experience in the energy sector. He acts frequently before Belgian civil and administrative courts, Arbitration instiutions, European Court of Justice, and European Court of Human Rights. He is a national and international arbitrator.

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EU Energy Law, by Angus Johnston, Guy Block PDF

EU Energy Law, by Angus Johnston, Guy Block PDF
EU Energy Law, by Angus Johnston, Guy Block PDF

Rabu, 12 November 2014

[V685.Ebook] Ebook Shame: Theory, Therapy, Theology, by Stephen Pattison

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Shame: Theory, Therapy, Theology, by Stephen Pattison

Shame: Theory, Therapy, Theology, by Stephen Pattison

Ebook Shame: Theory, Therapy, Theology, by Stephen Pattison

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Shame: Theory, Therapy, Theology, by Stephen Pattison

In this book, first published in 2000, Stephen Pattison considers the nature of shame as it is discussed in the diverse discourses of literature, psychology, psychoanalysis, philosophy, history and sociology and concludes that 'shame' is not a single unitary phenomenon, but rather a set of separable but related understandings in different discourses. Situating chronic shame primarily within the metaphorical ecology of defilement, pollution and toxic unwantedness, Pattison goes on to examine the causes and effects of shame. He then considers the way in which Christianity has responded to and used shame. Psychologists, philosophers, theologians and therapists will find this a fascinating source of insight, and it will be of particular use to pastoral workers and those concerned with religion and mental health.

  • Sales Rank: #1155691 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2000-10-05
  • Released on: 2000-10-05
  • Format: Kindle eBook

"...a very interesting book...to theologians and pastoral agents of different Christian denominations, and to those affected by the painful experience of shame in their lives." THEOFORUM

"...this is a remarkable and much needed text. Clear organization and an accessible writing style make this book appealing to a wide range of audiences, including mental health professionals, pastoral counselors, ministers, and theologians." Religious Studies Review

About the Author
Stephen Pattison is Professor of Religion, Ethics, and Practice and H. G. Wood Professor of Theology at the University of Birmingham. His latest books are The Challenge of Practical Theology (2007), Seeing Things: Deepening Relations with Visual Artefacts (2007) and Saving Face: Enfacement, Shame, Theology (2013).

Most helpful customer reviews

15 of 16 people found the following review helpful.
The Best Book on Shame
By A Customer
I went through a period of obsession with the concept of shame and read everything I could get my hands on. This is by far the best book on shame. It combines a solid theoretical basis with useful therapizing helps for dealing with shame.
After reading this book, I read two other books by Stephen Pattison and I've become a fan. Shame:... is by far the most human of his books; the others are a bit more dry and you don't get such a sense of the humanity of the author, but nonetheless are excellent books.

7 of 7 people found the following review helpful.
Excellent Book
By Warren Peace
For those who want to understand what shame is, how it differs from guilt and other estranged aspects of the psychological self this is a great book. If you have a tendancy to feel uncomfortable when complimented, or given a gift, or praised then reading SHAME will help you understand why you feel that discomfort.

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Shame: Theory, Therapy, Theology, by Stephen Pattison PDF
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Shame: Theory, Therapy, Theology, by Stephen Pattison PDF

Shame: Theory, Therapy, Theology, by Stephen Pattison PDF

Shame: Theory, Therapy, Theology, by Stephen Pattison PDF
Shame: Theory, Therapy, Theology, by Stephen Pattison PDF

Selasa, 11 November 2014

[W280.Ebook] PDF Ebook Becoming a Therapist: A Manual for Personal and Professional Development, by Malcolm C. Cross, Linda Papadopoulos

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Becoming a Therapist: A Manual for Personal and Professional Development, by Malcolm C. Cross, Linda Papadopoulos

Becoming a Therapist: A Manual for Personal and Professional Development, by Malcolm C. Cross, Linda Papadopoulos

Becoming a Therapist: A Manual for Personal and Professional Development, by Malcolm C. Cross, Linda Papadopoulos

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Becoming a Therapist: A Manual for Personal and Professional Development, by Malcolm C. Cross, Linda Papadopoulos

Personal development is fundamental to professional development and therapeutic practice. Until now, the unstructured personal or reflective journal has by default become the sole vehicle for recording reflection through training. Becoming a Therapist is a unique practical manual, facilitating the movement and growth of the reader, whilst raising awareness of resistance to change. With challenging questions and exercises, it forces the reader to consider his or her own personal value systems, strengths and limitations as they relate to the practice of therapy, tackling vital issues such as: family; culture; gender; and ethics.
Indispensable to counsellors, counselling psychologists and psychotherapists in training, Becoming a Therapist is a thought-provoking companion to personal and professional development.

  • Sales Rank: #713093 in Books
  • Published on: 2001-10-28
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 9.00" h x 6.00" w x .25" l, .43 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 120 pages

About the Author
Malcolm Cross is a Senior Lecturer in Counselling Psychology and Director of Counselling Psychology Programmes at City University, London. Linda Papadopoulos is a Senior Lecturer and Course Director in Counselling Psychology at London Guildhall University, London.

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Jumat, 07 November 2014

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The Unmumsy Mum Diary, by Sarah Turner

The Unmumsy Mum Diary, by Sarah Turner

The Unmumsy Mum Diary, by Sarah Turner

Fee Download The Unmumsy Mum Diary, by Sarah Turner

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The Unmumsy Mum Diary, by Sarah Turner

She's back! The Unmumsy Mum has put pen to paper (or fingers to the keyboard!) once more to bring you the next instalment of her life as mum to two young boys, documenting motherhood exactly as she finds it. Her words have made mums, dads and grandparents everywhere laugh and cry in equal measure.

In The Unmumsy Mum Diary Sarah shares with us a year in her life as a mum, wife, blogger and bestselling author. With her trademark candour and wit, she documents the good days and the bad days, the giggles and the tantrums. She'll also share poignant, lifechanging moments from her year, such as her older son heading off through the school gates for the first time.

The Unmumsy Mum Diary is as honest as it is hilarious and a peek into Sarah's innermost thoughts will leave you in no doubt that, on those days when you feel you are not quite cut out for the job, you are most definitely not alone.

  • Published on: 2017-03-28
  • Released on: 2017-03-28
  • Format: International Edition
  • Original language: English
  • Dimensions: 8.74" h x 1.18" w x 5.67" l,
  • Binding: Hardcover
  • 320 pages

About the Author
Sarah Turner lives in Devon with her husband and their two boys. She started writing as The Unmumsy Mum after becoming plagued with self-doubt, heightened by the somewhat glossy parenting literature she had read online. Everybody seemed to be coping so well. Where were the tales of mums tearing their hair out after yet another breakfast battle and endless re-runs of Peppa Pig? She made a vow then and there to document the everyday reality of parenting, and her blog page (http://theunmumsymum.blogspot.co.uk/) and subsequent Facebook page (www.facebook.com/theunmumsymum) were born. You can follow Sarah’s parenting adventures on Instagram and Twitter @theunmumsymum.

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The Unmumsy Mum Diary, by Sarah Turner PDF

[K421.Ebook] Free PDF Iranian and Diasporic Literature in the 21st Century: A Critical Study, by Daniel Grassian

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Iranian and Diasporic Literature in the 21st Century: A Critical Study, by Daniel Grassian

Iranian and Diasporic Literature in the 21st Century: A Critical Study, by Daniel Grassian

Iranian and Diasporic Literature in the 21st Century: A Critical Study, by Daniel Grassian

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Iranian and Diasporic Literature in the 21st Century: A Critical Study, by Daniel Grassian

The most populous Islamic country in the Middle East, Iran is rife with contradictions, in many ways caught between the culture and governments of the Western--more dominant and arguably imperalist--world and the ideology of conservative fundamentalist Islam. This book explores the present-day writings of authors who explore these oppositional forces, often finding a middle course between the often brutal and demonizing rhetoric from both sides. To combat how the West has falsely generalized and stereotyped Iran, and how Iran has falsely generalized and stereotyped the West, Iranian and diasporic writers deconstruct Western caricatures of Iran and Iranian caricatures of the West. In so doing, they provide especially valuable insights into life in Iran today and into life in the West for diasporic Iranians.

  • Sales Rank: #4702309 in Books
  • Published on: 2012-12-24
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 8.90" h x 1.30" w x 5.90" l, 1.00 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 280 pages

From the Inside Flap
The most populous Islamic country in the Middle East, Iran is rife with contradictions, in many ways caught between the culture and governments of the Western--more dominant and arguably imperalist--world and the ideology of conservative fundamentalist Islam. This book explores the present-day writings of authors who explore these oppositional forces, often finding a middle course between the often brutal and demonizing rhetoric from both sides. To combat how the West has falsely generalized and stereotyped Iran, and how Iran has falsely generalized and stereotyped the West, Iranian and diasporic writers deconstruct Western caricatures of Iran and Iranian caricatures of the West. In so doing, they provide especially valuable insights into life in Iran today and into life in the West for diasporic Iranians.

About the Author
Daniel Grassian is an associate professor of English and director of the School of English, Philosophy and Humanities at Fairleigh Dickenson University in Teaneck, New Jersey. He lives in Bergenfield, New Jersey.

Most helpful customer reviews

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful.
Well done
By Omid Hezaveh
This book does a good job in reviewing the literature produced by the Iranian writers in diaspora. I was looking for something like this for a long time. I wish it looked both deeper into the works, and looked at a greater number of works, but I'm still happy with what it is now.

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Iranian and Diasporic Literature in the 21st Century: A Critical Study, by Daniel Grassian PDF

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Iranian and Diasporic Literature in the 21st Century: A Critical Study, by Daniel Grassian PDF

Senin, 03 November 2014

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Schools as Communities, by James L Drexler

Leaders of all levels will benefit from this resource's focus on establishing and maintaining the culture of a school for greater effectiveness.

  • Sales Rank: #1185820 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2013-07-14
  • Released on: 2013-07-14
  • Format: Kindle eBook

Many voices speaking calmly and clearly toward one end: Christian school leadership. Good balance of research ;been there, done that; and biblical models. Good advice on all aspects of leadership: curriculum, guiding staff and students, and building communities of grace. No prospective principal should leave school without it. Any current Christian school leader will be better with it. Daniel R. Vander Ark, Former Executive Director, Christian Schools International --back cover

The authors of Schools as Communities have provided valuable information that can assist schools in becoming a positive witness by how they are organized and how they minister within the organization and to those they serve. One of the great challenges for the Christian school is to be a living curriculum, providing a life witness for the staff, parents, and students. This book should be a valuable tool in helping schools become what God intends. James Braley, Christian Schools Consultant, Cottonwood, Arizona --back cover

Most helpful customer reviews

2 of 4 people found the following review helpful.
Schools as Communities
By James L. Drexler
The notion of God's people living in relationship with one another is at the heart of the biblical teaching of the Kingdom of God. Christians are regularly referred to in the Bible as a plural group - the body of Christ, the family of God, the people of God, the bride of Christ - and not as privatized individuals on their own. Despite the "rugged individualism" that is so prevalent in American culture, Christians are not a bunch of "Lone Rangers" but part of a redeemed human community.

Further, we are created in the image of God. We reflect the fact that this one God exists eternally in the tri-personal relationship of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. As God exists relationally, so do human beings created in His image. Simply stated, we are hardwired for relationships. To be certain, the fall of mankind has marred that image, but one of the beautiful realities of redemption in Christ is that not only is the relationship between God and man reconciled, but the varied relationships between human beings can be repaired as well - in our families, in our churches, in our neighborhoods, and in our schools.

As Christian schools and Christian school leaders pursue the principles described in Schools as Communities, a new and vibrant sense of community - the manifestation of the Kingdom of God on earth - will emerge not only transforming God's people but our culture as well. This is an unique resource for Christian schooling.

So, who needs to read this book?

--Educational leaders who want to stress the biblical importance of relationships and community as together we pursue mercy, justice, and faithfulness in our schools. Already, administrative teams in some schools are reading and discussing the book together.
--Teacher Education programs and graduate educational programs of all types that are training teachers and administrators for our schools will want to use Schools as Communities as a primary textbook.
--Teachers who are seeking to form community within their classrooms and in their schools, and who desire to model and lead their students into understanding God's new society. Groups of teachers are reading the book for their professional development.
--Parents who want a fresh look at the eternal investment they are making in their children's Christian education. Working with Christian teachers in fulfilling the biblical mandates to train up our children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord is a thrilling task.
--Pastors who want to walk hand in hand with Christian families and Christian schools in seeking to transform our culture for Jesus Christ. They will appreciate how and why schools operate the ways they do.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
One Star
By D
Dont remember this

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